On-ice individualized practice session. These sessions are sport specific (figure skating or hockey) and will work on developing the skater's skills to help them be the best athlete they can be.
Works on strength, agility, speed, and flexibility to build the strength/flexibility/speed for on-ice skills. It is not impossible to play a sport and not do other physical training, but what happens is in sport we use a lot of the same muscles and if that is all we do it can lead to injury or muscular imbalances. Personal training can help target muscles that the sport does not depend on and can make the athlete better and stronger.
Works on goal setting, nerve calming, confidence, and other mental aspects of skating. Some people seem to forget that the brain literally controls everything you do. When someone forgets that they start to focus on the physical aspect of actually doing the skill rather then their mental state when they are attempting it. Mental training can help address fears, concerns, or whatever may be mentally blocking them to help build their confidence and belief in their ability to do it.
Nutrition is the one I overlooked the most, I thought as long as I am eating and fueling my body I’ll be okay. While that thinking is not wrong, it is not right either. You will be okay, but as an athlete do you not want to be the best you can be? Even further- food is more than fuel, it carries essential nutrients that not only give us energy but can help give us strength and keep us healthy. If you want to keep with the fuel analogy, consider this- with the best cars (fararis, lamborginis) you don’t just put fuel in, you put oil, and other liquids too. We would only put the BEST stuff in it to make sure we get the full life out of it. Shouldn’t we be doing the same for our bodies?